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Datenminimierung Datenminimierung im Sinne des Art. 5 Abs. 1 lit. c DS-GVO ist gewährleistet, wenn die Daten dem Zweck angemessen und erheblich sowie auf das für die Zwecke der Verarbeitung notwendige Maß beschränkt sind. ☐ Datenschutz durch Technikgestaltung[footnoteRef:3] (data protection by design) [3: Bereits ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 15:16 16.07.2023
Format: Word
Registration for the state-wide career orientation program BRAFO including the computer supported skills evaluation (BRAFO-KE) and agreement for the sharing of personal data necessary for the implementation of the program. To be completed by the contractor Action BRAFO – Berufswahl Richtig Angehen ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 00:16 16.06.2023
Format: Word
about it and what makes it memorable. The Open Window by Hector Hugh Munro (Saki) Framton Nuttel wants to take some time off in a rural village in England. His sister has given letters of introduction to a number of families there. He starts his round of visits at the Sappletons. Their niece receives ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 17:47 14.04.2023
Format: Word
doriți să participați pentru prima dată la alegerile europene în Germania, vă puteți înscrie în registrul electoral al comunităţii dvs. de reședință până pe data de 19 mai 2024. Atunci puteți vota candidații nominalizați în Germania. Aproximativ șase la sută dintre toți cei eligibili să voteze la ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 00:17 12.05.2024
Format: Word
Written by: Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) gGmbH Rollnerstraße 14 90408 Nürnberg Please send any notes or suggestions for changes and additions to the following guide to action to: This publication is open to downloading at The ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 08:44 06.03.2024
Format: Word
Written by: Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) gGmbH Rollnerstraße 14 90408 Nürnberg Please send any notes or suggestions for changes and additions to the following guide to action to: This publication is open to downloading at The ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 00:55 16.06.2023
Format: Word
Written by: Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) gGmbH Rollnerstraße 14 90408 Nürnberg Please send any notes or suggestions for changes and additions to the following guide to action to: This publication is open to downloading at The ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 00:16 16.06.2023
Format: Word
few clicks away. Why go to a library and open a book if you can find all the information you need for your school presentation on Wikipedia? Well, it is true that many Internet sites offer many things that books cannot: they often include not only texts and pictures but also videos and audio clips. ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 17:47 14.04.2023
Format: Word
Schriftauswahl und Seitenaufbau - digitalen Werkzeugen: Menüleiste einer Textbearbeitungs- und einer Präsentationssoftware z. B. kopieren, ausschneiden, einfügen, drucken, speichern, löschen 1. + 2. Hjh. Klassensatz Laptops Software (Office oder Open Office) Umgang mit Word und Openoffice Grundlagen im Schreiben ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 17:47 14.04.2023
Format: Word
eindeutige ID des SAML Service Providers. Die ID muss entweder in URN- oder URL-Syntax angegeben werden. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der SAML-Spezifikation zu Metadata ( Zum Beispiel ...
Bereich: Landesportal
Aktualisiert: 17:53 14.04.2023
Format: Word